That's a wrap for Earth Month 2022

Earth Day this year was April 22nd. For the second year, we held our annual Green Wings Clean-up Challenge, which encourages our members to get together and clean up their favorite local area, hang out with friends and give back to our beautiful planet. Our winner of the prizes this year was Marinna Martens from LA. Congratulations Marinna!

We plan on hosting more cleanups soon, so look out for a cleanup near you in the future. And if you would like to host a cleanup, we would love to promote it, so please reach out.

Also for Earth Day this year, some members adopted an “eco resolution” — a small habit change that will have a positive effect on the environment. It can be a simple as switching to reusable batteries in your headset, or reducing the meat consumption in your home. Let us know your eco-resolution.

Green Wings