Donate directly to Green Wings today

Green Wings is an all volunteer run organization.

Our members are dedicating their spare time to making a difference in the aviation industry and environment. Donations are essential to our success and help fund various programs and host future events that aren’t covered by our membership dues. Thanks to our generous donors, we can continue to inspire and create positive change within our industry!

Every donation goes a long way in helping us to take waste from the environment and grow our movement!


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Donate to one of our carefully hand-picked conservation organizations


This incredible international marine conservation nonprofit has a mission to preserve the ocean. They are a multidisciplinary team of biologists, engineers, scuba divers, and passionate ocean advocates that create innovative programs and educate coastal communities to be part of the solution.

Through collaboration with organizations around the world, they aim to educate the public and raise awareness to deliver global change.

LimPiaR Project

This amazing non-profit is dedicated to the protection and restoration of the beaches, parks, and communities of Puerto Rico.

The organization has become a respected leader on the island, leading volunteer cleanups and awareness campaigns that have built a strong community based around environmental activism.

Re:Wild - Global Wildlife Restoration

Their mission is to conserve the diversity of life on Earth, where all of life has value and can flourish- plant, animal, and human.

Rated 4/4 stars, the focus is on protecting and recovering endangered wildlife and habitats through science-based field action.

Natural Resource Defense Council

This impressive environmental advocacy group runs a variety of successful programs ranging from clean air and climate to wildlife preservation.

It has been rated 4 out of 4 by the charity watchdog group Charity Navigator in all categories: Overall, Financial Practices, and Accountability and Transparency.

Sierra Club

Founded in 1892, this non-profit is one of the first large-scale environmental preservation organizations in the world.

It’s primary engagement is in lobbying politicians to promote environmental policies such as sustainable energy efforts and climate change mitigation.